Supporting the local community is important to us and we are committed to making sure the wind farm makes a positive contribution to the region.
Community Grants Program
As part of its commitment to make a positive contribution to the local community, Granville Harbour Wind Farm established the Community Grants Program.
The program provides up to $20,000 in funding each year for local initiatives that aim to benefit the community in the areas of diversity, sustainability and environment, health and wellbeing and community participation.
Funding priorities:
- Community Diversity: Support for projects that encourage communities to connect and be inclusive of gender, cultures, age groups, nationalities and abilities. This includes events that celebrate culture and traditions, projects that aim to improve multicultural infrastructure, provide support for disadvantaged groups, achieve gender equality, or initiatives that seek to address social isolation and improve access and opportunity for everyone.
- Sustainability and Environment: Support for projects that seek to build or enhance community sustainability or the local environment, in particular through the use of renewables, the reduction of waste or via protection of the environment. This includes solar panel installation, recycling at events, school education programs, community gardens and environmental preservation programs.
- Health and Wellbeing: Support for projects that seek to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community. This may include physical or mental health programs, initiatives that aim to improve sports participation and access, sporting facility upgrades and education programs.
- Community Participation and Pride: Support for projects that encourage greater community participation and/or seek to recognise and celebrate the unique attributes of the region. This includes community volunteering initiatives, playground / public space enhancements, community festivals and events and local heritage preservation.
The 2024 Community Grants program is now closed for applications. The 2025 program will open in October 2025. Please follow our Instagram or Facebook pages to stay up to date.
The Granville Harbour Farm Community Grants Program is a management account of the Community Enterprise Charitable Fund ABN 12 102 649 968 (the Fund), The Bendigo Centre, Bendigo VIC 3550. Sandhurst Trustees Limited ABN 16 004 030 737 AFSL 237906, a subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL 237879, is the trustee of the Fund.
Volunteer Emergency Services Grant
As an extension to the Granville Harbour Wind Farm Community Grants Program, a $50,000 Volunteer Emergency Services Grant was launched in 2020 to recognise the significant contribution of the West Coast’s Volunteer Emergency Services.
From 2020 to 2023, $50,000 in funding has been fully allocated to local SES, Fire and Ambulance groups to assist West Coast-based Emergency Services units with the valuable work they do to protect the safety of the local community. Funding is used to help with purchase of emergency/safety equipment, volunteer training and community safety awareness campaigns.
Enquiries and Complaints
Granville Harbour Operations follows a clear process for receiving and responding to community enquiries or complaints.
Have a question? Fill out our Contact Form to submit a query. Alternatively, visit our FAQs page for more information on the project.
Community Construction Updates
Construction of Granville Harbour was a complex process that took just over two years to complete. For more information about the construction phase, please see our Construction Updates: