Burnie Community Open Day

Join us on Saturday 24th August for an opportunity to see our wind turbines up close! Come along to meet the project team and find out more about the Granville Harbour Wind Farm development. We will also be sharing information about our plans for the transportation of...

Working to protect Tassie’s native wildlife

Representatives from Granville Harbour Wind Farm, Vestas, Rex Andrews Transport and Department of State Growth Transport Safety escort officers took part in a native wildlife orientation at Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary this week. Protecting Tasmania’s unique wildlife...

July Construction Update

Construction crews on site are making steady progress despite the winter weather conditions creating some challenges. Work on the wind farm’s 31 turbine foundations is progressing well with the installation of steel reinforcement, conduits and structural concrete...

Supporting the local community

Granville Harbour Wind Farm was proud to support the West Coast Junior Footy Auskick Carnival held in Zeehan on 16 June. The event provided a fantastic opportunity for kids from across the North West to come together and practice their game-day skills in a safe and...

Successful delivery of critical items to site

Oversize truck convoys have successfully delivered Granville Harbour Wind Farm’s transformer and switchroom to the project’s remote West Coast construction site. Oversize semi-trailers were used to transport the 85-tonne transformer from the Port of Burnie along the...