Transport update

The transportation of wind turbine components for Granville Harbour Wind Farm is now well underway, with around 50 components delivered since the beginning of October. Following a successful first few weeks of deliveries, we are now in the process of reviewing our...

First Annual Environment Review now complete

Our first Annual Environmental Review for Granville Harbour Wind Farm has now been completed and accepted by the Environment Protection Authority. Over the last year we have faced challenging conditions on site with higher than average rainfall and difficult ground...

Community Grants Program announced

Granville Harbour Wind Farm is now seeking applications from local groups for its first annual Community Grants Program. The grants program, which is planned to run each year for the operational life of the wind farm, is designed to support small organisations and...

October construction update

Construction activities on site are progressing well with eight wind turbine foundation concrete pours now complete. Installation of steel reinforcement for the wind turbine foundations continues and the construction of hardstands at each foundation is also underway...