In January we received our second shipment of wind turbine components at the Port of Burnie consisting of 96 tower sections. These have now been transported to a nearby storage facility in Burnie where they will be held until needed on site.
The construction of internal wind farm access tracks continues and a new road off Heemskirk Road is now being utilised by construction vehicles to access the wind farm. Over the coming month roadworks to upgrade this intersection will be underway. While the majority of works will not impact road users, there may be some minor disruption to traffic and temporary lane closures.
Extraction of quarry materials for use on internal wind farm roads continues and the site has an operational batch plant. Excavation of wind turbine foundations is underway with 6 complete at the beginning of February.
Work on the transmission line is progressing well with vegetation clearance and construction of access tracks along the transmission line corridor now substantially complete. The construction of foundations for transmission line poles is now underway and civil works at the Pieman switching station are ongoing.